Thursday, February 24, 2011


When something ends or something begins, it seems that we should be certain as to where and when it happened. There was a time which our tastes grew beyond mac & cheese, our parents gave us our last $20, and at some point, we shed our last tear for a broken heart.

I always manage to forget that everything is connected; there is a catalyst and a trail of dead left along the way (for better or worse). In a time of sadness, heartbreaking thoughts slowly crowd out the optimism. If we're lucky, eventually something or someone special comes along that lightens our load, makes us remember who we are and what we're capable of. A smile, a laugh, or touching words that wake us from our sullen slumber. The sadness that can seem so indefinite slowly fades each day and before you know it, it's gone. Everything is just a memory once it's done and we can only hope to come away better for it.

It's always important for me to remember that the only thing that can hold you back indefinitely is not the sadness or regret, but rather yourself. There is not a single decision or certain point at which you screwed yourself out of "the good life".  If you feel like a worthless person for something you did, all you can do is apologize and change.

By taking consistent strides towards deeper introspection, self-improvement, and feeding the willingness to fight for what you want and so rightly deserve, it's possible to rediscover yourself. Sadly, humanity is not quite the  tight race it once was and often times, the first step is the hardest. After all, you can have whatever you want as long as you are willing to work for it (or sometimes, just let your guard down and someone else in).

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